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1031 Exchange Live Events

Join Us at Our Next Lunch & Learn Event

Join our live events, where investment property owners and their advisors explore key topics related to selling investment properties and 1031 exchange options. Hosted by Real Estate Transition Solutions (RETS), these events offer expert insights on market conditions, industry trends, and strategies to maximize tax savings, passive income potential, and 1031 exchange performance. Each event features top real estate and financial experts, along with opportunities to consult with licensed 1031 exchange advisors.


Our live events offer the latest market insights and 1031 exchange strategies and provide a great opportunity to connect with industry experts and fellow property owners.

Roger W. Bowlin
Founder & Managing Partner at RETS

Upcoming LIVE Events

Lunch & Learn Event
Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Time: 12:00pm PT
Venue: Bellevue Club in the Olympic Room (B)
Join us for “Time to Sell? Emerging Market Trends to Enhance Your 1031 Exchange,” hosted by Austin Bowlin, CPA from Real Estate Transition Solutions (RETS) in collaboration with a distinguished panel of local experts from leading national commercial real estate firms. This event is designed for investment property owners contemplating a sale in the near future and seeking to maximize their tax savings and total returns.